The Writer-In-Residence (WIR) program is an initiative founded by ArtRoot, supported by the Racine Literacy Council and funded by the Osborne and Scekic Family Foundation. Through this program, ArtRoot seeks to spotlight Racine and Kenosha’s dynamic literary community while encouraging, supporting, and advocating on behalf of writers at all stages of their careers.
Writers are in residence for 6 month terms and receive a stipend of $1,500. During their residency, each writer generates a weekly blog post on a variety of topics. The post is published on the WIR site at:
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The current WIR is L.A. Sklba, an award-winning journalist and poet. Born and raised in Racine, Sklba is currently the news editor for The Journal Times, where she prioritizes human-focused reporting to build empathy and understanding within our community.
Applications for the WIR are accepted every 6 months. Application information can be found at