Wall Poems of Racine



Welcome Wagon

Art Card

A promotional rack card to market visual and performing arts organizations and projects in Racine

Completed Projects


Since our inception in the fall of 2013, ArtRoot has:

  • Formalized a vision statement (2014) and created an initial list of short, medium, and long-term tactics to realize the vision (2015).

  • Initiated biannual ArtsMixers to enhance networking opportunities among area artists, arts professionals and arts advocates (2014). As of spring 2023, we have hosted 14 ArtsMixers with attendance ranging from 50 – 100 people.

  • Collaborated with Visioning a Greater Racine to organize a visioning session for Racine’s arts community. Over 50 artists, arts supporters, and representatives of local arts organizations attended the November 21, 2016 session held at the Racine Public Library.

  • Developed a Writer-in-Residence program, beginning in January 2017, for local writers. The Racine Literacy Council is the program’s current sponsor. Two writers are selected each year as residents for 6 months. Writers-in-Residence are provided with a $1,500 stipend. Residents update a blog each week and complete a community project. Fifteen writers from Racine and Kenosha have been WIRs so far.

  • Created a Facebook page to post information about art events and opportunities around town with the goal of fostering a diverse, engaged and interconnected community (2017).

  • Started an ArtRoot welcome wagon in 2017 to introduce creatives moving to Racine to the local arts scene. The committee has welcomed 34 individuals to date.

  • Compiled a comprehensive Resources Guide (2018). The guide, published on our website, includes information on funding, exhibition opportunities, residencies, work spaces and much more.

  • Created and began distributing an ArtRoot Art Card to market visual and performing arts organizations and projects in Racine (2019). The Art Card was updated in 2020 and 2023.

  • In 2020, completed a comprehensive, five-year review of ArtRoot’s original tactics and created an updated set of tactics.

  • Published a more engaging ArtRoot website in 2020.

  • Received a grant of $4,110 in 2021 from the Wisconsin Arts Board Creative Communities Program to support the creation of two new Wall Poems of Racine (#2 and #4) in 2021 - 2022.

  • Incorporated as a Wisconsin nonprofit corporation in 2021.

  • Completed Wall Poems #2 and #3 in 2021 and held an unveiling event for Wall Poem #2 with 50+ attendees.

  • Received a grant of $4,100 in 2022 from the Wisconsin Arts Board Creative Communities Program to support the creation of two new Wall Poems of Racine (#5 and #6) in 2022 - 2023.

  • Completed Wall Poem #4 in 2022, which was the first wall poem that included a Spanish translation, and held an unveiling event with 40 attendees.

  • In 2023, hired a graphic designer to refresh all of our printed materials, including the welcome wagon packet.

  • Completed Wall Poems #5 and #6 in 2023 and held joint unveiling events with over 60 attendees.

  • Received $6,000 from the Wisconsin Arts Board Creative Communities Program in 2023; the grant will support the creation of Wall Poems #7 and #8 in 2023 - 2024.

  • Partnered with the Racine Art Museum to curate in 2023 a permanent collection of local art for Hotel Verdant in downtown Racine; 22 visual artists from Racine and Kenosha are represented in the collection. Also curated a collection of books by local authors and artists for the hotel’s lobby area.